Powers Re - elected CSEA Head ; McCovern ^ Roosevelt Cite Civil Service Programs Of Republican and Democratic Parties Annual Meeting Sets Standards For Coming Year
ALBANY, Oct. 18—The Civil Service Employees Association took the unprecedented step of getting, in advance of the general State-wide elPcUon, the views of the Republican and Democratic parties on matters affecting civil service. These views were presented by two of the major candidates—J. Raymond McGovern, GOP candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., Democratic candidate for Attorney General. •Hottest' Klcction A second item of large interest at the 44th annual meeting of the Civil Service Himployees A s s o c i a tion was the re-election of John F. Powers as President. The campaign was the most hotlyfought m CSliiA annals. Theodore Wenzl, Mr. rowers' opponent in the election, urged the healing oi wounds and pjeaged his personal cooperation toward the further advancement of the Association. Mrs. Merrick Speaks The 6U0 delegates, representing more than 60,0u0 State and local employees, aiso heard Elinore Morehouse Herrick, personnel director of the New York Herald Tribune, deliver an address on labor relations in government. Mrs. Herrick strongly condemned the Condon-Wadlin act and urged Its jepeal. This is the law forbidding strikes of public employees. Mrs. Herrick said the law overreaches Its mark and has accomplished no good.
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Viritten Reasons For Passing Over Eligibles And Not Using Up Lists
CITE ERflE EXECUTIVE , Erie County chapter of the Civil Service Employees Assn. last weeic aclaiowledged the activities of County Executive Edward A. Rath toward creating a better understanding between civil servants and the public and engenderinga harmonius worthing relationship among the County's woricers and its administration. Mailing the presentation of the citation to Mr. Rath, left, is A...
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1. THE PROBLEM. Something is rotten in the electoral state of the United States. Mathematics is involved. Advances in computer technology—hardware and software— have permitted a great leap “forward” in the fine art of political gerrymandering—“the practice of dividing a geographical area into electoral districts, often of highly irregular shape, to give one political party an unfair advantage b...
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. . . i J . XL • J . ^ J.!. M e • Service Employees As.soclaA light moment during the annual dinner of the Civil Service tion have been at work hammerEmployees Association. Virginia Leatham of the State Civil : ing out the bill which will include Service Department is a t the left. Miss Leatham Is c h a i r m a n ! J^e details of tlie new pay plan of the CSeI Social Committee, and worked mighti...
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H . L. D E N N I S O N The new series of meetings, announced by chapter President Thomas Dobbs, will feature Suffolk County Executive H. Lee Dennison at the first session, to be held April 26 at the Pirematic Tiainins Hall in Yaphank. The chapter hopes to present talks by members of the 10-man Suffolk County Board of Supervisors at successive meetings, similarly deaUn? with aspects of the merit...
The theoretical importance of Tocqueville’s writing about America can be summed up this phrase: Democracy depends on many things besides voting. In this way, he turned Aristotle’s merely political definition on its head, and provided a conceptual translation of what democratic activists, and republican political theorists, had long understood. It is a lesson, I believe, to which many contempora...
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